INNER JOIN OPCH T3 ON T2.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry T1 INNER JOIN VPM2 T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocNum , CONVERT(varchar,convert(money,case t1.DocCurr when 'USD' then TrsfrSumFC when 'MXN' then T1.TrsfrSum end), 1) as įROM. , CASE when t3.isIns = 'Y' then '' else t3.NumAtCard end as UUID, convert(varchar,T1.TrsfrDate,103) as TrsfrDate , case t1.DocCurr when 'USD' then AppliedFC when 'MXN' Then SumApplied end as , case t1.DocCurr when 'USD' then t3.DocTotalFC when 'MXN' Then t3.DocTotal end as , CASE when t3.isIns = 'Y' then 'OC(s) ' + , UPPER(T7.Name) as Country, T5.ZipCode, convert(varchar,T1.,103) as Fecha, T1.DocEntry, T1.

SELECT T5.Street, T5.StreetNo, T5.Block, T5.City, T5.County, UPPER(t6.Name) as State hoy les comparto una consulta con la cual podrán generar infinidad de reportes ya sean masivos o individuales para cada uno de sus proveedores, por ejemplo desde un Crystal Report.Įsta consulta tiene la información necesaria para poder aprovecharla de la mejor manera que ustedes decidan, si algo les hiciera falta no duden colocarlo en los comentarios. Inner join OSLP f on a.SlpCode = f.SlpCodeĪnd d.InvntSttus = 'O' and b.TargetType in (18,-1)Īnd d.BaseLine = b.LineNum and d.ItemCode = b.ItemCode Inner join OITM e on b.ItemCode = e.ItemCode Inner join PCH1 d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry Inner join OPCH c on b.TrgetEntry = c.DocEntry Where a.Segment = 0 and b.BaseEntry is not null and a.DocNum = (select distinct DocNum from OPOR where DocEntry = d.BaseEntry and d.BaseType = 22))) as Solicitante , (select ReqName from OPRQ where DocEntry = (select Top 1 b.BaseEntry from POR1 b inner join OPOR a on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry Where a.Segment = 0 and b.BaseEntry is not null and a.DocNum = (select distinct DocNum from OPOR where DocEntry = d.BaseEntry and d.BaseType = 22))) as SC , (select DocNum from OPRQ where DocEntry = (select Top 1 b.BaseEntry from POR1 b inner join OPOR a on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry , b.WhsCode, b.Quantity, d.InvntSttus, b.LineStatus, d.OpenQty, f.SlpName as

Inner join OSLP d on a.SlpCode = d.SlpCodeĪnd b.InvntSttus = 'O' and b.TargetType in (20,-1) Inner join OITM c on b.ItemCode = c.ItemCode

Inner join POR1 b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry Where T0.Segment = 0 and T1.BaseEntry is not null and T0.DocNum = a.DocNum)) as Solicitante ,(select ReqName from OPRQ where DocEntry = (select Top 1 T1.BaseEntry from POR1 T1 inner join OPOR T0 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry Where T0.Segment = 0 and T1.BaseEntry is not null and T0.DocNum = a.DocNum)) as SC , (select DocNum from OPRQ where DocEntry = (select Top 1 T1.BaseEntry from POR1 T1 inner join OPOR T0 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry , b.WhsCode, b.Quantity, b.InvntSttus, b.LineStatus, b.OpenQty, d.SlpName as Select a.docdate, a.DocNum, a.CardCode, a.CardName, b.ItemCode, b.Dscription